Wednesday, May 4, 2016

So many great things!

From looking at Reddit and Google Plus, I have found many people that share the same interests as me. There are many people that are getting into 3D modeling to start game developing, medical research, and a lot of other cool stuff. With the communities I'm taking part in on Google Plus, there are so many people that contribute in helping other people learn the basic and show their ideas to spark new ones for other people. Though I know what I'm doing, I still find it amazing when I see the creations people make.
Wood Texture for a project someone's working on
People in the community have shared their creations, some people work on realistic projects, or stuff like basic games made by 1-3 person(s) teams in a couple days. Others have made animations using pixel art like shown above. Some people say this kind of stuff is easy, until you actually have to do it yourself. It takes hours upon hours to perfect something. Even then, it still won't be perfect. You could try your hardest on something the first time, and someone's gonna find something about your creation that you'll need to fix so that it can be better than before. So many people go above and beyond when it comes to this type of stuff.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Latest Projects and a Little Indie Facts

Realistic character that took over 30 hours to fully finish
So I've worked on many projects lately, and I've made tons of progress on them. It's taken many hours out of my schedule to actually work on them but I feel very confident about my work. If I could change anything to them, I would totally put more work into them. They may be good, but I feel like I could've done so much better in certain areas.

If I could improve on anything in particular, it would totally be Indie characters. I have a basic head made already, but I would to add more into it. It took me more time to make the chest region and fingers/toes of the character above, just because I had to make sure it didn't look stupid. But with Indie characters they aren't supposed to look real, they look "8-bit" instead of the cool and complex stuff you saw before. They're simple, but it's easier to see personality with these characters
Image result for indie characters

Image result for firewatch logo
Henry & Delilah are the main protagonists of a game called Firewatch
A few examples of Indie characters are (Mario, Sonic, Megalovania, Super Meat Boy, Henry & Delilah, etc. Indie games have made such a big jump in popularity over the past couple years. In my opinion, Indie games are superior over FPS games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, Tom Clancy, etc. Just because Indie games focus MORE on the storyline than the more popular genres. You actually build relationships with the characters in Indie games through the dialog boxes provided that allow you to determine the outcome of the game all by yourself. It could be good, it could be bad. Only you can determine that through your own actions. Whereas Call of Duty only has one storyline that you must follow. Battlefield has made their story better, using a similar version of dialog where it determines what you choose to do to carry out a mission. But it makes you choose someone to sacrifice at the end of Battlefield 4 to save the Valkyrie (Aircraft carrier's callsign) 

Friday, April 22, 2016

Important Facts about 3D Technology

Charles W. Hull first introduced 3D printing in the mid 1980's. He founded the popular company (3D Systems) in 1986. 3D printing was for first used in a Stereolithography apparatus. It was used to make very crisp models used for medical usage. It could also be used for casting. "Stereolithography master models can also be used for 'master patterns' when it comes time for metal castings and are easily modified to accommodate any last minute changes."
Stereolithography Apparatus Usage

Audi RSQ 3D Printed3D printing has been pushed greatly within the past 30 years. There has been a prototype of a 3D printed car that gets on average 200mpg, 4 times the amount of modern vehicles today. The entire car chassis is 3D printed.

There has also been projects that have made it far enough to be as complex as a 3D printed weapon. It's a basic .38 caliber pistol.

 Lauren Oleksyk, a food technologist at the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Research, spoke about the military using 3D printing technology to print food, weapons, and synthetic body parts. 30% of military wounds are burns, so they devised a form of skin cells to repair the burnt skin cells.

Friday, March 11, 2016

My Research Thus Far

What I've found out about 3D modeling that I didn't know before was that people have actually started research on uses in the medical area. They have found ways to make crutches, casts, etc. Just by using plastic materials. Another use is car parts. From cylinder heads, brake rotors, shift knobs, and vents. 3D printing can be used in the aerospace industry. NASA has been working with 3D printing to make a fuel injector for their most recent thruster project. It withstands 10x the heat that it could originally. There has also been 3D printed guns being produced by major companies. There are pocket-sized .38 caliber pistols that can fit pretty much anywhere. 3D printing has been used in the production of prosthetic limbs. People are using 3D printing all the way from weaponry to limbs that can change people's lives. There's plenty of debate on whether or not 3D printing is needed in everyday life. But if you ask me, I think it's going to help in the long run.

Monday, February 29, 2016

~Welcome to my Blog~

My passion topic is as you can tell, 3D art and printing. I chose this topic because I find it interesting that you can use pieces of technology like our laptops to make things that could be held with your own hands. The purpose of my project is to show people the wonders of 3D modeling and printing. I have always thought 3D technology is fascinating, It always made me think of all the possibilities that you could create.

You can make anything on blender, from real life to fictional. It will take hours and hours of work, but you'll be proud of your work when you finish. People make a living on 3D printing and modeling. They have websites where people pay good money to show off their creations. And people spend so much money to get quality creations for projects. (Games, animations, etc.)

Basic models like this can take over 30 hours to make, but in the end it can end up to be a complicated piece of work that can then be sold to the public. Or you can set it up for free downloadable. Above all, you can spend most of your time making the finer details like in the video above.